Curriculum and Instruction » Staff Development

Staff Development

Weston County School District #1 High-Quality Professional Development Vision include:
  • Opportunities for Sustained and On-Going Professional Learning
  • The system is collaborative (we build our expertise and share learning/practices with each other); this might be Online Learning, Book Studies, Workshops, Observation, Face-to-Face Coaching, Professional Reading/Research, etc…)
  • The system is Intensive (not a stand-alone, 1-day, or short term workshop)
  • The system is Job-Embedded (we develop/strengthen our knowledge, implement strategy(s) in the classroom, monitor results, get feedback about the results/collaborate about the results, repeat cycle utilizing the same strategy(s) to fully embed into current practice……..growth mindset with a clear FOCUS target---------includes Collaborative Planning, Curriculum Writing, Peer Observations, and/or Leading Trainings)
  • Data-Driven (the science of our profession……data always guides our discussion and decisions); every employee will work towards a SMART Goal
  • Classroom-Focused (how does this impact student learning)
  • Involves all educators who work with students—including Principals and Paraprofessionals
  • All PD activities are "evidence based" (at least one study supports that there is “strong, moderate, or promising” evidence – being statistically significant – that the intervention/strategy will work; has this intervention/strategy/program substantially improved an important education outcome;
  • Build in incentives for staff to become resident experts and take on a leadership role within the districts